A collage made entirely from the July 4, 1976 Bicentennial edition of the SF Chronicle, with its US flags (stripes) inspiring the zebra motif. The main zebra sports sandals, a dish and a belt for her ear and mane; and quotes from the Declaration of Independence on the head. The baby has a bicentennial coin in its ear, a mane with the words 'Rohnert Park', and white stripes from the day's stocks.
dimensions: 16 by 20. $725
Displayed Jan-February, 2017, in international juried show held at the Sebastopol Center for the Arts:"MARVELOUS!"; Collage, assemblage and construction
dimensions: 16 by 20. $725
Displayed Jan-February, 2017, in international juried show held at the Sebastopol Center for the Arts:"MARVELOUS!"; Collage, assemblage and construction